Michael Cassidy Gallagher, LICSW

Psychotherapist and Adventurer

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Are you a wanderer, too?

What! Didn’t you just pass this big rock? You swore you just left that dark cave. You knew it was going to be different this time. You took different steps – you walked a different pace. You made sure not to get lost. But… here you are again.

It might not feel like it, but believe it or not, you are an adventurer!

Now I know you might be quick to disagree. You might even think of yourself as a stuck, wandering soul. But that’s what exactly makes you an adventurer.

Every day, even in its most mundane way, I love to go exploring, getting lost, and learning about what I am capable of. Because what I found out, was that the most rewarding exploration, is the one within.

Yes, there was a time I didn’t like it. It was hard looking inside, casting away old beliefs, taking accountability, forgiving myself, and leading with steps to transform.

But I realized, that the more we wander, the more we wonder.

To become…

It is in that dark journey, we become. Often, what we believe about ourselves isn’t the case. The identities we assume, the self-concepts we associate with, and the masks we hide underneath are not real. They are simply shadows cast upon our face….

But worry not my friends, there is light at the end of this path. That inconceivably faint twinkle will soon enough blind you with possibility.

We are explorers by nature.

Beginning this journey of life from the ground up, we eventually rise to our feet and venture forth. Born to be curious, we all discover different paths. Some are unique; some are shared. Some were pointed out, and some were found. And whether your trail was well blazed or not, we all face challenges – we get stuck.

Perhaps, you are just starting your journey. Or maybe you are midway. Perhaps you stopped, looked at the sun, and asked yourself a question…

What did you ask yourself?

Was there self-doubt, maybe fear? Regret? Did your companion have a change of heart? Did you? Wherever you are in life or whatever obstacles you are currently facing, I am eager to work with you on your Insightful Direction.

Blending theories from psychodynamic and cognitive behavioral therapies, neuroscience and philosophy, I am here to help as your guide. I am here to help you get unstuck, to help know who you are, where you have come from, and help with where you want to go.

Mapping through complex and difficult issues is tough, but I can help with the compass.

Allow me to introduce myself…

Hey there! I’m Michael. And I’m a therapist and love what I do. Everyday I help determined men and women who feel anchored, purposeless, and paralyzed in their lives thoroughly change their life course. We all have emotional anchors that hold us down. Whether that be depression, anxiety, or some historical traumas. I work diligently and eagerly with you to get to your destination.

I also happen to be a globe-trotting, wine-drinking philosopher. And this is very important to remember. Because where most therapists are interested in reducing your symptoms and “getting over” something you feel stuck on, I, on the other hand, am not. I am more interested in helping you understand the why you feel the way you feel.

I am interested in walking with you on your life course. Dante said, we all get lost. And in that lostness, a scary Hell may exist.

But it isn’t without that wandering, struggling, or wondering that we become. I want to journey with you. I want to understand your strife, and work with you to create that Paradise. I want to help YOU know yourself and create the life you want to live. So, what do you say? Let’s get lost!

MIDWAY upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark
For the straightforward pathway had been lost.

As daunting as the journey might seem, the reward of inner awareness always remains fruitful. Whether the weight of depression, vigilance of anxiety, or scars of trauma linger within you, here is the opportunity to understand it. Here is the opportunity to heal and recover.

Give me a call at (978) 606-7039, and let’s start walking!